
Today THe BroKeN BEGinS.....

The first day of spring break was today and I wasted it proudly on the couch with a book in hand and a glass of iced tea.


Finally a breath....

there was a moment when the weight shifted and I took a breath, timidly, from under eaves of the day.



Today we start into the one acts. I take over as TD and get us headed into the next beyond. The shows are American Century, Cancre Sores, That Other Person, and Life Under Water. So far we've built a ramp at 18" and started on the sand dunes for Life Under Water. Today I'll be starting to find/build stairs for American Century.



Today starts the line of no sleep. DryTech is today and tomorrow is Q2Q.


Today we focus.

Today begins focus and cuing for the rep series yeah. Looks like another long night, folks.


Round Three: All Patched Up!

Today we patch and and start writing cues for tomorrow. woot.


Yesterday Begins it...

We started techweek for the rep series. Yesterday was load-in. and today is a continuation of said load-in. More to come stay tuned