
Leaving for Cortland W00t!!!

just letting you know that I'm leaving for Cortland this morning-ish and will arrive at MD this eving-ish. Hooray!


One Step Closer


I'm getting ready to graduate in a couple of days. I am ready for this portion of my life to end so that I can move on to the next. I will be leaving for NY on the 15th and be exited to get there and get to work.
hey just testing my sms post system


Today I Breathe.....

Today Is the first time i've slept in for nearly 2 weeks and it was grand..... life's been a bit crazy and a bit more hectic. I'm glad to be graduation but the red tape is load of bull....


This is amazing


More changes...

I set up Dee's Google Calendar for her and made it so she could sync it to her phone... just a tidbit.


Just a few Changes...

I just got through revamping my Gmail and Google Calendar and man was it worth it... I just cannot say how helpful this is gonna be for me and my schedule. I get SMS text to remind me of my events and I also get to input info anywhere that has an internet connection to the calendar. The best part though it the Gmail update. I've made a few more filters and aliased all my other accounts to come to one inbox. And I've set it up so that I have "Multiple inboxes" all on the one main page.


It's getting closer to the end....

Less than a month from now I'll be striking out on my own into a brave new world, full of wonder and grace and taxes. I am thankfully headed back up north to New York as a first step, and I do have a plan after that to be around Greensboro for a while until dee is done with her masters. Then I'm off to where ever this life takes me. I hope that at this cusp I do not do anything until waiting is filled and the correct groking of it can lead me to a correct course of action.


These days sre long ones...

tomorrow starts at 0800 with KIN 1100 class until 1200 and Q2Q for Tartuffe at 1300... Blegh...


The glory of Fincastles....

The ultimate in dives is here in Greensboro, NC. The best most succulent burgers and fries crisp to perfection are simple worth flying in for lunch.


Tartuffe the imposter....

Yesterday was load-in and today is finalization. I'll be in there doing my thing with the lights until later this evening. I hope there will be no need for naps in the theater this time around...


The night drags on...

It is one step to the next, falling forward with the grace that only a human as tired as I can achieve. Life goes on and the sky turns above me whether i get to see it or not.


Just a bit sore...

I'm still recouping from a bike trip I made the other day with miles. Today is the first day of dress runs for the one acts and my legs still feel like they are about to fall off. I had a lot of fun but it's kicking me hard today.


It's been a while...

Today is the day after loadin for the one acts. I suck as a TD. (but, i already knew that) Today is dry-tech and a the usual work day. I had one of the worst headaches i've ever had last night. I think the amount of work i did and the fact that the eggs were heavily salted at breaklunch contributed to it.


Well speing break was nice....

I read a couple of novels I'd been meaning to, Played a few games, got some of my next design done, and tried to relax a bit. Time to go back to school and take another step forward.


I just got Digsby.....


You should all check out Digsby it's a multi function social tool that puts facebook, aim, and Gmail all on you desktop.... I love it so far and i think you will to...


Today THe BroKeN BEGinS.....

The first day of spring break was today and I wasted it proudly on the couch with a book in hand and a glass of iced tea.


Finally a breath....

there was a moment when the weight shifted and I took a breath, timidly, from under eaves of the day.



Today we start into the one acts. I take over as TD and get us headed into the next beyond. The shows are American Century, Cancre Sores, That Other Person, and Life Under Water. So far we've built a ramp at 18" and started on the sand dunes for Life Under Water. Today I'll be starting to find/build stairs for American Century.



Today starts the line of no sleep. DryTech is today and tomorrow is Q2Q.


Today we focus.

Today begins focus and cuing for the rep series yeah. Looks like another long night, folks.


Round Three: All Patched Up!

Today we patch and and start writing cues for tomorrow. woot.


Yesterday Begins it...

We started techweek for the rep series. Yesterday was load-in. and today is a continuation of said load-in. More to come stay tuned


First blog on the new site

I was just tooling around hoping to get some stuff started. I hope you like the look of the new site.

Micah Manning